Quickly reply to messages with emoji reactions.

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Sending and Viewing Reactions #

Where are reactions?  #
  • Everyone in the chat sees reactions below the message bubble.
  • Banner notifications only go to the person who wrote the message.
  • Reactions do not appear on message bubbles that have disappeared or have been deleted.
How do I send a reaction? #

Mobile devices or an iPad:

  1. Update to the latest version of CoolApp.
  2. Tap and hold on your message bubble or the open space by it.
  3. Slide to your reaction or select more  to choose any emoji.
  4. Optional: After selecting more  tap and hold on an emoji to choose a different color.
  5. Your reaction will have a separate background color than your contacts.


  1. Hover to the open space by the middle of a message bubble to reveal message options.
  2. Pick  reaction.
  3. Pick a reaction or pick more  to choose any emoji.
  4. Optional: Select emoji-tinting at the bottom to change emoji skin-tone colors.
  5. Pick your emoji.
  6. Your reaction will have a separate background color than your contacts.
How do I view all reactions? #

Tap the reaction to see a summary of all reactions for that message.

How do I change my reaction? #
  1. Tap and hold on the open space by your message bubble.
  2. Deselect the existing reaction to remove.
  3. Slide to your reaction or select more  to choose another emoji.
How do I customize or reset the default reactions? #
  1. Tap and hold on your message bubble or the open space by it.
  2. Select more  to see all emoji.
  3. Tap Settings  in the emoji categories to customize.
  4. Tap on an emoji to replace.
  5. Select from all emojis to change.
  6. Optional: Tap Reset to restore default emojis.
  7. Tap Save to update emojis.