Android #

To change the language:

  1. Open CoolApp.
  2. Tap your profile to go to CoolApp Settings.
  3. Select  Appearance.
  4. Select the last item Language.
  5. Scroll through and select the language for it to apply immediately.

iOS #

iOS 13 & iOS 14

To change the language:

  1. Follow steps from Apple’s support page to ensure the language is enabled in iOS Settings.
  2. Go to iOS Settings > CoolApp.
  3. Select Language.
  4. Scroll through and select the language for it to apply immediately

Desktop #

To change the language:

  1. Open CoolApp.
  2. Select  Preferences.
  3. Select  Appearance.
  4. Select Language.
  5. Scroll through and select the language.
  6. Select Set for it to apply immediately.

To manage spell check:

  1. In CoolApp, open  Preferences.
  2. Under Chats, select or deselect Enable spell check of text entered in message composition box.