Android #

  1. On your phone, visit or open CoolApp’s page in the Play store app.
  2. Tap Open on CoolApp’s Play store page.
    Need Help? Click here to troubleshoot.
  3. Go to your phone’s app library or list of apps.
    This varies by phone. Use the common steps for your phone.
  4. Swipe to the last page or search for CoolApp.

iOS #

  1. On your phone, visit or open CoolApp’s page in the App store app.
  2. Tap Open on CoolApp’s App store page.
    Need Help? Click here to troubleshoot.
  3. Swipe to the last page to view your app library or search for CoolApp.

Additional Tips:

  • Go to iOS Settings  > Home Screen > allow Add to Home Screen.
  • Check Apple’s support page here to unhide apps.
  • Check Apple’s support page here to find hidden pages.
  • Didn’t use CoolApp in a while? Go to iOS Settings  > General > [Device] Storage > confirm you haven’t offloaded unused apps.

Desktop #

  1. Where is CoolApp saved to on your phone?
    • Is it saved to a folder that gets deleted every day?
    • For macOS, did you save it to the /Application or ~/Application directory?
  2. Have you created a shortcut to the app?
    • For Windows, Search for coolapp.exe. Do you know what folder the .exe file is saved to?